Burning trousers

Sep 30th, 2024 4:54 pm | By

Trump is a shameless inveterate liar.

We are now heading to Valdosta, Georgia, in order to pay my respects and bring lots of relief material, including fuel, equipment, water, and other things, to the State. Many politicians and Law Enforcement will be there. We’ll be saying hello to Franklin Graham, Burt Jones, Tyler Harper, Mike Collins, Austin Scott, Russ Goodman, Sam Watson, and the Mayor of Valdosta Scott James. They are working very hard. I was also going to stop into North Carolina, which has really been hit hard. I have a lot of supplies ready for them, but access and communication is now restricted, and we want to make sure that Local Emergency Management is able to focus on helping the people most affected, and not being concerned with me. I’ll be there shortly, but don’t like the reports that I’m getting about the Federal Government, and the Democrat Governor of the State, going out of their way to not help people in Republican areas. MAGA!

He’s not getting any reports about the Feds and the governor not helping Republicans. Liar liar liar.

The New Republic:

Trump didn’t elaborate on where these “reports” were coming from, which don’t seem to have any factual basis. Much of North Carolina votes Republican, so it would be near impossible for any relief efforts to occur that would neglect conservatives. Roy Cooper, the state’s Democratic governor since 2017, has deployed the National Guard and undertaken statewide efforts to help those affected by the hurricane, which has hit his state hardest, killing nearly 50 people and leaving hundreds of thousands of homes without power.

President Biden has pledged “every available resource, as fast as possible, to your communities, to rescue, recover, and to begin rebuilding,” and even plans to visit communities affected by the hurricane later this week. On Sunday, Biden approved disaster declarations for both Florida and North Carolina, which allows immediate access to emergency funds for recovery efforts.

Trump is just lying, as usual.

Critics were right

Sep 30th, 2024 11:59 am | By

Trans man regrets

My name is Tiger Reed. I am a 44-year-old librarian in St. Louis, Missouri. Since 2016, I have been married to Jamie Reed. She is the whistleblower who exposed the alarming effects of “gender-affirming” medical care given to minors at the Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital in a 2023 article for The Free Press. Her story shocked the nation. I am also “Dad” to the five children we are raising together—two from Jamie’s previous marriage and three we have adopted.

And now, after 13 years of living as a man, I am in the process of tapering down my weekly testosterone injections to begin the process of becoming a woman again. 

I realize the thing that threatened me the most about Jamie going public was something I didn’t want to face. This was the knowledge that my spouse and a growing chorus of knowledgeable critics were right. They were right that there was something fundamentally amiss with the message, especially to young people, that a swift gender transition was a safe, all-purpose solution to profound problems. 

Especially to young people. I remember being a member of the young people community, and how swiftly and easily everything could change. I also remember being kind of stupid about a lot of things. I’m glad I didn’t indulge in any hasty amputations when I was a young person.

I want to speak out about adult gender medicine, and how people have been misled—sometimes unintentionally—by gender clinicians about its safety and effectiveness. 

Note the sometimes unintentionally. Indicates that other times it was intentional.

I know there isn’t a lot of sympathy for those of us who transition as adults. People assume you made your choice, and you knew what you were signing up for. But in recent years we have been finding out that reliable research for transition, especially concerning its long-term effects, is virtually nonexistent. The comprehensive Cass Review showed the lack of scientific underpinning for the commonly accepted medical treatments for gender dysphoria—hormones and surgery—especially for kids. 

In other words people don’t know what they’re signing up for, yet they’re hotly and passionately urged to sign up for it anyway. Why? Why are we doing this?

I knew that going on testosterone at age 31, and five years later having my breasts removed, would bring profound physical changes. But no one I consulted prepared me for the emotional consequences of transition—for how the hormones would change not only my appearance but how I felt about myself and the world. 

Why not? Probably because the whole thing is so intensely politicized that people are afraid to do that kind of preparing. Probably because anything that’s not enthusiastic encouragement is branded transphobic. If you talk about the potential downsides and risks, you must be a monster who wants to hurt Members of the Trans Communinny. It’s safer not to. Not safer for the person transitioning, of course, but for the people enabling the “transition.”

Today, the harmful physical effects of over a decade on testosterone have started to make themselves known: high cholesterol, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, high triglycerides, sleep apnea, and issues with my kidneys. While some of these problems are hereditary, the testosterone in my system only exacerbates them. 

That sounds like a lot.

I’m going public because I want people like me who have complex and nuanced reasons for their gender distress to be part of the conversation. I want people to know there are more options than medicalizing their bodies for the rest of their lives. 

I hope there will be many more.

Queering the saints

Sep 30th, 2024 9:52 am | By

Let’s visit the LGBT page for St Jude’s Primary School (Church of England of course) in Southwark.

 Valuing All God’s Children

LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender. The “plus” represents other sexual identities.

This is primary school, remember. The youngest kids are 5.

In 2018, almost 250,000 people in London identified as Lesbian, Gay or Bisexual and there are now at least 20,000 children growing up in same-sex parent families. Many children will have or know relatives, family friends or neighbours who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Trans.

Notice how the “Trans” bit is added on. Start with LGB, then when they’re not looking add the T.

It is important to us at St Jude’s that we represent different families in our community as we know that children who see their families reflected in class and around the school will grow up to be confident, respectful and successful citizens.

Not if their parents are trans they won’t. Parents of 5-year-olds who claim to be the other sex are bound to be terrible parents, too self-involved and reckless to meet the needs of small children.

Aside from our moral duty, it is also our statutory duty to teach children about different families and relationships and therefore all primary schools in England are expected to teach Relationships Education. In teaching Relationships Education we ensure that the needs of all pupils are appropriately met, and that all pupils understand the importance of equality and respect. We ensure that all of our teaching is sensitive and age appropriate in approach and content.

And we teach small children that people can change sex.

Sorry Saint Jude’s but you can’t do both. It’s neither sensitive nor age appropriate to teach small children that people can change sex.

In order to prepare children for the diverse society they live in and to prevent bullying and discrimination, it is important to talk about difference in general and different families in particular. At St Jude’s, the children learn about and celebrate different family structures primarily through our PSHE scheme of work, science scheme of work and during our celebration of LGBT+ History Month. In addition, our school library and class book corners are stocked with books that represent different family structures and some of the texts we use within our English lessons feature an LGBT character.

What’s an “LGBT character”?

They include a horrible rainbow graphic chart of all the ways they inclooooode LGBT content in their “Progress Curriculum”.

They conclude by saying they are proud of being a Stonewall Champion School.

Quietly transferred

Sep 30th, 2024 9:24 am | By

Yet again…there aren’t enough swears in the universe. Genevieve Gluck tells us:

Reduxx has learned that a man serving a 30-year sentence for the fatal beating of a 55-year old woman has quietly been transferred into New Jersey’s Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women. Elliot Rivera Jr., 35, now calls himself Jamie Belladonna and is described as “female” within the state Department of Corrections (DOC) system.

Rivera’s total prison term amounts to 40 years, to be run concurrently, on the basis of two convictions. In November 2011, he was sentenced to a mandatory minimum term of 30 years for the 2009 murder of Patricia Cantaloupe. In a separate case, Rivera was sentenced to 10 years in prison for carjacking a 57 year-old woman in the parking lot of a supermarket on February 26, 2010.

Patricia Cantaloupe was repeatedly bashed in the head with a hammer. The arrest for the carjacking turned up evidence that Rivera was the guy with the hammer.

Since 2011, Rivera had been serving his sentence in the New Jersey State Prison (NJSP) in Trenton. In February 2023, independent news site The Appeal reported sympathetically on Rivera’s situation as a “trans woman” who was unjustly incarcerated in a men’s facility.

I have to wonder why The Appeal had more sympathy for the man who bashed a woman in the head with a hammer than for the woman he bashed in the head with a hammer.

In 2019, an ACLU lawsuit against the New Jersey Department of Corrections resulted in a settlement which required the state to allow violent male inmates to self-identify into the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women.

Bashing women in the head with a hammer is a civil liberty, is it?

Flawed but vital self-obsession

Sep 30th, 2024 5:07 am | By

Guardian headline:

Will Ferrell’s Netflix doc Will & Harper is flawed but vital viewing for cis people

Vital? I really doubt that. It’s not as if we don’t get lectured on the subject enough already.

Let’s admit it: cisgender people are really curious about us trans women.

Ok stop right there. First sentence and already you’re off the rails. No, we really really aren’t. We’ve heard way more than we want to about trans women. I can’t begin to express how much more we’ve heard than we ever wanted to. The only thing we can be described as “curious” about is where the hell do you get the nerve?

They want to know things such as: what’s it like to have a surgeon rearrange your genitals? How did you know you were really a girl all along? Does it suck having to be on the downside of sexism now?

Nope. I don’t. I really really don’t. I promise you. I’m not interested. You talk and talk and talk and talk about yourselves day in and day out and we are not curious about you. I for one think you desperately need to shut up about yourselves and think about other people for a change. Being trans has turned out to be a wildly effective excuse to be publicly self-obsessed all day every single day.

For our own part, trans women are curious about cisgender folk, too. We want to know things like: do you actually think I’m female, or am I just a deluded guy in a dress to you?

That’s hilarious. He’s actually reproduced, without noticing he’s doing it, the jokey catchphrase: “Enough about me, let’s talk about what you think about me.”

Skipping several boring paragraphs –

It’s extremely hard to survive a transition with your dignity intact, in large part because very few people stop to consider that a man trying to transform into a woman is in such an infinitely more disempowered position than they are.

It’s a good thing very few people stop to consider that, because it’s horseshit. No you’re not. You’re a man. The fact that you’re hell-bent on making a fool of yourself is your choice, so if that “disempowers” you because people now know you’re a fool, that’s your own work. You’re still a man; you still have that power.

It’s uniquely vulnerable, to feminize your appearance and your personality, and to put yourself out there for the world’s approval.

Try being a woman surrounded by a group of drunk men.

You are doing the one thing that – for your whole life – you have been absolutely screamed at to never, ever do. You are going against every last survival instinct you have, because it’s the only way.

Try being a woman surrounded by a group of drunk men.

He just has no clue, does he.

Or Mexico, which is cheaper

Sep 29th, 2024 4:46 pm | By

The Times (the London one) slobbers all over a man who wants to order up a customized baby for himself. What a shame there are no baby factories.

In recent years starry couples have raised the profile of surrogacy, including Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, Robbie Williams and Ayda Field, and Elton John and David Furnish.

Oh well then, if famous people can order up luxury babies so can any man.

To go solo, Northwood must first find a woman willing to go through the invasive procedure of donating an egg, which will be inseminated in a lab. Then he needs to find another to undergo IVF with the resulting embryo, followed by pregnancy and giving birth.

Why should any woman do that for him? No reason on earth.

Often it’s easier to navigate these hurdles abroad, in countries where surrogacy is a regulated industry. By contrast, UK law prohibits payments of more than £750 to egg donors per cycle, while surrogates can only be reimbursed for expenses. It’s understandable, then, that Northwood considered doing it in the US — “but that can cost more than $200,000 [£153,000], which I can’t afford” — or Mexico, which is cheaper. 

What could possibly go wrong?

Some people are highly critical of egg donation and surrogacy, saying women should not be “wombs for rent” and that no one has the “right” to a baby. Northwood shrugs. “This is modern families now. I’ve grown up with people’s opinions about me being wrong to date men. Keep your opinions to yourself.”

No. You keep your desire for a customized motherless baby to yourself.

Going it alone feels positive, “in that I don’t have to take anyone else’s feelings into consideration”. 

Including the feelings of the customized baby. What a nice man.


Sep 29th, 2024 4:22 pm | By

This god certainly hates women and young girls.

There is no trap

Sep 29th, 2024 11:32 am | By

Revisiting this for a second…

The hands.

You get the big accordion gesture.

You get the tiny wedge gesture.

You get the medium accordion gesture.

You get the big accordion gesture then some active playing the accordion gestures.

You get the jumping wedge gesture, then the diving bird gesture once, twice, part of a third time that transitions back to the accordion.

The gestures are…weird.

But he behaves like a child

Sep 29th, 2024 10:11 am | By

Musk not invited to party.

The world’s richest person, Elon Musk, has hit back [retorted] after not being invited to the UK government’s International Investment Summit. He was not invited due to his social media posts during last month’s riots, the BBC understands.

“I don’t think anyone should go to the UK when they’re releasing convicted pedophiles in order to imprison people for social media posts,” Mr Musk claimed on X. Earlier this month, the government released some prisoners to reduce prison overcrowding, but no-one serving sentences for sex offences were [was] included.

David Yelland, a public relations specialist and former editor of the Sun newspaper, told the BBC that if Mr Musk were to attend the summit, it would be “reputationally disastrous for the whole event”.

“He’s a fan of free speech but he behaves like a child and he posts things that are deeply inaccurate and extremely damaging,” he said. “This is not just a guy that is saying stuff in the pub. This is a guy that is encouraging untruths around the world.”

And that’s from a former editor of the Sun.

Before identifying as

Sep 29th, 2024 9:12 am | By

When reporting becomes incoherent:

A trans woman has been jailed for six and a half years after being found guilty of rape following a night out. Lexi Secker raped a woman in Blunsdon, Wiltshire, on 23 April 2023. The attack took place before Secker began identifying as a woman.

Might as well say the attack took place before Secker began identifying as a potato. His penis doesn’t retroactively disappear once he starts “identifying as” a woman.

Secker, 35, of Lowbourne, near Melksham, has been ordered to carry out her sentence in a male prison and will remain on the sex offenders register indefinitely.

Don’t “respect the pronouns” of men who rape women.

Throughout the sentencing hearing, barristers and the judge referred to the defendant as “Ms Secker” and “she”. However, in a victim personal statement, the woman raped by Secker used the name “Alex” to describe her attacker. She said: “He took away my trust in people and myself. The assault consumed me with shame and fear.”

It’s interesting to see the Beeb pointing out the “Ms Secker” and “she” bit. Pointing it out=it’s odd (at least) and needs explanation. Usually the Beeb doesn’t like admitting that.

The court heard how Secker has depression and gender dysphoria and requires psychological and medical treatment. Secker has also been subjected to numerous assaults while being held at a male prison, it was alleged.

As the defendant is biologically male, they will serve their sentence in a male prison.

Stone the crows – the BBC admits he’s biologically male.

Also – they will serve their sentence? But up at the top of the page it was “her” sentence, not “their” sentence. Covering all the bases are we? Or confused? Or scared? What’s up, Beeb? You can tell us.

The judge told Secker: “At the time of this offence, you were a man.”

Yo, judge. Once a man always a man.

Wiltshire Police previously said Secker was living as a man when the attack took place, on April 23 2023, but was tried as a woman at Swindon Crown Court. The force confirmed that the rape was recorded as being committed by a man. The sex of a defendant recorded by police at the time of their arrest will mirror what is on court records and other criminal justice system data.

How about just recording the actual sex, every time? Saves trouble in the end.

Not ready for primetime

Sep 29th, 2024 8:12 am | By

He thinks he’s a standup comedy genius.

Guest post: A cult of feelings rather than a political organisation

Sep 28th, 2024 5:52 pm | By

Originally a comment by Der Durchwanderer on Gluttons for punishment.

The Green Party, in any given country in the West, has more closely resembled a cult of feelings far more than it has a political organisation. In Germany, where our Greens have been part of the actual government for the last few years, the party is not only completely through the looking-glass on social issues which have absolutely nothing to do with preserving the environment (and some of which threaten the very fabric of German social cohesion), it has done far more to harm the environment than any party since the founding of the Federal Republic.

This is not hyperbolic extrapolation from the Greens’ irraitional anti-nuclearism, either, though that is bad enough. It saw them follow through on Angela Merkel’s closure of *every single nuclear plant* in the country, for example. The end of this plan coincided with Russia’s reactivation of its adventure in the Ukraine, to which Germany stopped importing Russian gas in response…gas which Germany had spent the last thirty years, thanks in large part to Merkel and to her predecessor Gerhard Schröder (himself a close personal friend of Vladimir Putin), making Germany’s industry and domestic heating apparatus almost entirely dependent upon.

No, the Greens’ commitment to the environment not only saw them dogmatically follow-through on the death of the German nuclear industry, it saw them recommit to closing German coal mines and to filling them with concrete (along with other more “environmentally friendly” materials for the mines’ “restoration”), which on the face of it sounds reasonable, or at least good-hearted (if one can ignore the folly of rendering such mines permanently inoperable even in theory).

But the realities of German energy production in 2022 up to today meant that we had a choice between activating (and building) more coal-fired power plants or facing regular blackouts and brown-outs in the depth of winter. So the German State, for the first time since the Industrial Revolution (which means for the first time in history), has had to start importing coal to keep the lights on. This coal comes mostly from Columbia, which is…not exactly known for its environmental protections or worker safety laws, nor even for banning child labour.

And now we have German electricity produced on the back of coal dug out of the Andes, some of it by children, and shipped across the ocean so that the Greens can say they delivered on their twin promises of closing nuclear power plants and coal mines. Thanks, in no small part, to the Greens’ ideological intransigence when it meets geopolitical necessity.

But wait, there’s more. Even where Green environmental policy “works”, it has untold costs which will take us generations to sort out.

We have landfills filling up with fibreglass from wind turbines made and shipped out of China, which tend to last only a few years and which themselves cannot reliably produce enough energy to offset the carbon released during their manufacture, transport, installation, and disposal; a great many of these wind turbines are set up in forests, which necessitates removing one or more trees per turbine.

we have solar panels everywhere in a country where the *sunniest* region receives less sunlight in a year than the *least sunny* regions of the continental United States and thus cannot even theoretically produce enough energy to offset the carbon it takes to make, ship, and dispose of them.

In concrete terms, the city famed for the most sunny days in Germany is called Freiburg, a quaint little university town in the southwestern state of Baden-Württemberg. It receives, according to its own city’s website, “almost 1,800 sunshine-hours per year”, which in addition to giving it a “Mediterrannean flair”, makes it the most ideal place in the country for solar energy.

Seattle, Washington (where I believe our humble host has deigned to erect her domicile) receives, by way of comparison, 2170 sunshine hours per year.

The wisdom of basing a significant proportion of Seattle’s electrical grid on solar energy, much less a country whose *most-sunny location* receives only 80% as much sunshine, is an exercise left to the reader.

In any case, I could never countenance voting for the Greens in this country. I care about the environment far too much to ever do such a foolish thing as that.

Liar says what?

Sep 28th, 2024 5:15 pm | By

Without hyperbole they have nothing. Their fundamental claims are a denial of reality, and their sweaty efforts to make that denial of reality mandatory for everyone are a rejection of sanity and of basic justice.

So what we get is a nonstop torrent of hyperbole.

It’s not “dehumanising” people to say they can’t change sex. Humans can’t change species; is it dehumanizing to say that? Humans can’t become planets; does that dehumanize them?

It’s the other way around. Claiming people can change sex dehumanizes them in the sense that it portrays them as something other than human.

Whittome doesn’t mean it literally, of course, it’s just a way of expressing demented rage at Rosie Duffield for refusing to join the new religion.

Also, trans people are not one of the most marginalized groups in society. More like one of the most pampered groups in society.

I’m so tired of these brainless loonies shouting their brainless abuse day in and day out.

Down with alchemyphobia

Sep 28th, 2024 11:13 am | By
Down with alchemyphobia

From Pliny:

Green Party identifies as having bright future

Sep 28th, 2024 11:09 am | By

The BBC tells us the Green Party fucked around and found out.

A bitter legal battle could blow a hole in the Green Party of England Wales’s general election campaign funds. The BBC understands courts could force the party to pay between £200,000 and £400,000 if it loses a case against former deputy leader Dr Shahrar Ali.

The party’s financial auditors note the case has left “uncertainty” about its ability to keep running normally. The Greens are proposing a 50% increase in membership fees to build funds.

So maybe it was a mistake to punish and shun Ali for understanding that men are not women.

A Green Party spokesperson said: “Like many organisations, the Green Party is facing some challenging financial times, however it is wrong to suggest that the party has anything other than a very bright future and strong public support. We are confident that we will be in a better position than ever before as we go into the next general election.”

As they go into the next general election telling us that men can be women, and punishing Greens who don’t agree that men can be women. Better position?

Commenting on the legal case brought by Dr Ali, the party said it “remains proud of its focus on equality and human rights for all and our support for the trans community”.

Equality has nothing to do with forcing people to agree that men can be women. Nothing at all.

Gluttons for punishment

Sep 27th, 2024 6:24 pm | By

The Green Party is taking it well.

A senior activist who won an unlawful discrimination claim against the Green Party of England and Wales has been expelled and told he cannot return for at least two years.

In February, a judge found that the Greens had unlawfully discriminated against Dr Shahrar Ali during a row over his gender-critical beliefs. Ali, who is a former deputy leader, was awarded damages of £9,100. The Greens were also ordered to pay him a further £90,000 in costs in September.

He has now been excluded from the party for a fixed term of two years as a result of complaints made about him in 2022.

What were the complaints? What terrible thing did he do or say?

It is understood that some of the complaints against Ali related to a social media post he shared in July 2022, in which he suggested that teaching the concept of transgender identity to two year olds was a “danger to children”.

In a message on X, he quoted a post by the campaign group Stonewall which said that research suggested that “children as young as 2 recognise their trans identity”. Ali added a comment which said: “Off scale of safeguarding risk. Would we teach 2 year olds concept of schizophrenia?”

That…that’s it? But teaching the concept of transgender identity to two year olds is a danger to children. Small children believe what they’re told.

The party has told him that any future readmission would be conditional on him publicly retracting tweets that had been complained about, apologising and undertaking safeguarding training.

What a pack of brain-dead Stalinists. Honestly.

Guest post: You’re not paying the price

Sep 27th, 2024 11:47 am | By

Originally a comment by Your Name’s not Bruce? on Read the room.

Would Ferrell have been as enthusiastic if his friend had come out as a bear, or a lawn mower? Would he have been as keen to travel across America if Harper had decided he was a toddler rather than a woman? Would he have changed his friend’s diapers? Would he have been willing to pay that price, to carry that burden, to put up with the imposition? (Quite apart from the hit to his reputation that passing a grown man off as an infant would have inflicted. That would have been fetish too far.) I doubt it. Well, by accepting him as a women, and encouraging (insisting?) that others do so, he’s expecting women to accept him in places he doesn’t belong. He’s pushing the price, the burden, and imposition of his friend’s delusion onto women who might not be as willing to put up with them. Yet they’re the ones with a problem. Supposedly. Ferrell is essentially getting them to “change the diaper” he’ll never have to.

Loyalty and friendship are good things, but when they cloud your judgement about what is best for your friend, and what your friend is asking/expecting/demanding of others, it papers over things that may not be healthy. You can’t assume that your personal experience with your nice, loving, harmless friend mirrors others’ experience of him, because it may not be the same. You’re never going to be the women in the restroom he enters, but you’re going to use your celebrity, friendship, and loyalty to bully women to accept this man’s presence in women’s spaces. You’re not paying the price in fear and uncertainty that the women upon whom he’s intruding will. Your friend is not harmless. Even if he never assaults a women, his presence in women’s spaces is an unwanted intrusion of someone who refuses to accept women’s boundaries. Nor can you apply your experience of him to everyone else who shares his delusion, yet your advocacy for trans “rights” will help other men who are not as seemingly benign and harmless as your friend to violate those same boundaries that your friend does.

Read the room

Sep 27th, 2024 9:03 am | By

The sheer blind stupidity and absence of thought in this stagger the mind.

“I don’t know why trans people are meant to be threatening to me as a cis male. I don’t know why Harper is threatening to me…why would you care if somebody’s happy? Why is that threatening to you? If the trans community is a threat to you, I think it stems from not being confident or safe with yourself.”

He says it himself and doesn’t even fucking notice he’s said it. Yes, bozo, you are a male, and therefore men pretending to be women are not a threat to you. That does not, however, mean they are not a threat to anyone at all. Can you figure out why? With that rather forceful nudge? Do I have to spell it out that it’s because NOT ALL OF US ARE MALE?

God almighty.

Updating to add:


Sep 27th, 2024 8:11 am | By

An unhappy distinction for New Zealand.

Doctors are prescribing up to seven times more puberty blockers for gender dysmorphia to young transgender patients in New Zealand than other similar countries, a new medical reseach paper has found.

The paper published by academics Charlotte Paul, Simon Tegg and Sarah Donovan, was published today in the New Zealand Medical Journal.

In their paper, “Use of puberty-blocking hormones for gender dysphoria in New Zealand: descriptive analysis and international comparisons”, the authors found that use here was approximately 1.7 times higher than in the Netherlands, and between 3.5 and 6.9 times higher than in England and Wales, and 3.9 times higher than in Denmark. 

Not a race you want to win.

H/t Rob

Legally an aardvark

Sep 27th, 2024 7:47 am | By

There are things the law can’t do. Lots of things, actually. A big thing the law can’t do is change physical reality. You can pass a law saying the sun orbits the earth, but the sun will continue to not orbit the earth. The sun is not subject to human laws. There are lots of things you can replace “the sun” with in that sentence.


“Caster Semenya is legally female, was assigned female at birth, raised as female, and identifies as female. It seems clear on the face of it, therefore, that Semenya is female.”

Interesting choice of word, “seems.” “Seems, madam? Nay, it is; I know not ‘seems.'”

In fact, of course, no it doesn’t seem clear on the face of it that Semenya is female. Not on the face of it or the foot of it or the buttocks of it. All four items in that fatuous list are social, aka a matter of choice, aka artificial as opposed to natural, aka fantasy as opposed to reality. And speaking of on the face of it, the faces of the women Khelif punched know damn well he’s not female.

It’s cringey seeing adults continue to say these ridiculous things.